Are Your Butterflies All Tied Up? Harnessing Stage Nerves for Speaking Success
Dateline: Minneapolis,, MN

By Shanita Baraka Akintonde, MBA, M.Ed., DTM |
Does this scenario sound familiar? You step onto the stage, your heart pounding, beads of sweat start a sprint across your forehead, and your stomach flutters. Butterflies. Pre-speech jitters can be off-putting and stimulating whether you’re a first-timer or delivering your five-thousandth keynote. Disturbing and energizing. Unnerving and invigorating.
Here’s the truth behind this oxymoronic ordeal: If you attempt to rid yourself of those butterflies, you may do more harm than good. Butterflies are your secret weapon. Please consider:
- 77% of people experience some level of anxiety when speaking in public, even seasoned professionals.
- Adrenaline can boost your performance, sharpening focus and energy when used effectively.
- Audiences perceive authenticity more readily when speakers channel natural nerves into passion.
For those who claim they never feel nervous, it might be time for a reality check. If you don’t feel at least a little excited—or even uneasy—before taking the stage, ask yourself: Are you truly engaged with the message you’re delivering? Are you invested in connecting with the audience? Butterflies signal that you care deeply about the outcome, and that’s a good thing.
Butterflies Mean You Have a Pulse
Instead of trying to tie up your butterflies and lock them away, hug them instead. Here’s why:
- Butterflies Signal Energy: Nervous energy can be sent as a “bat signal” to your brain that pushes you into full throttle mode. It’s times of unease, not comfort, which may cause you to deliver a more dynamic and engaging presentation. Adrenaline heightens your awareness, making you more present in the NOW.
- Butterflies Keep Egos in Check: Singer Kendrick Lamar isn’t the only one who can sing the tune “Humble.” A little anxiety keeps overconfident speakers modest. It reminds you that skills may get you on the stage, but preparation ensures success. Every stage is different, every audience is fresh. Your butterflies cosign that performative promissory note.
- Butterflies Mean You’re Not Among the Walking Dead: Audiences connect with, well, LIVING persons. When you let your “true blue YOU” shine, expect some anticipation (and perhaps light perspiration). There’s no better way to display authenticity than to allow a few nerves to fuel your delivery. In those cases, not only are you more likely to resonate with the crowd, but you’ll feel better in the process.
Here’s my main piece of advice. Turn those butterflies into winged allies! Listen to me. I understand that harnessing pre-speech jitters isn’t always easy. But with practice, it CAN be done. Here are a few tips that I give my clients:
Reframe the Narrative: Instead of telling yourself, “I’m so nervous,” toss in an Uno Reverse card. Say, “Look at what I can share. This is so exciting!” Your brain interprets these messages in the same manner, so use this hack to shift your mindset.
- Breathe Deeply: Slow, deliberate breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system, calming your body and mind. Practice diaphragmatic breathing before stepping on stage.
- Channel the Energy: Physical movement—such as stretching or walking backstage—can help direct nervous energy away from tension and toward focus.
- Prepare, Prepare, Prepare: Confidence in your material reduces uncertainty, allowing your nerves to amplify your message rather than sabotage it.
Let Your Butterflies Fly Away
As members of the National Speakers Association, we are called to inspire, educate, and transform audiences. Feeling butterflies before you speak signifies that you’re deeply committed to that mission. Rather than tying them up, let them fly! Just channel your inner Beyonce and put them into “Formation.”
That means the next time you step on stage, take a deep breath, and ask yourself: Am I aligning my butterflies to work with me—or against me? In other words, use those fluttering wings to lift you toward a more impactful, purposeful, powerful performance. Ta Da!
Shanita Baraka Akintonde, MBA., M.Ed., DTM aka ShaniTA DA! is a firecracker communicator propelled by LOVE. Born in Germany and raised on the South Side of Chicago, her father showed his daughter how to swirl in a #BlackGirlMagic cape before it was a hashtag. Her mother revealed what love feels, smells, and tastes like.
Today, this Harvard-educated keynote speaker, author, and entrepreneur is President of ShanitaSpeaks, LLC an international media enterprise that energizes clients to tell better stories. Shanita parlays nearly 30 years of experience in academics and integrated marketing gleaned from her role as a tenured professor and marketing strategist for global clients like McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and Procter & Gamble into her business, books, blogs, and media broadcasts. She hosts the #1-ranked podcast, Marketing Insights and is a married mom of two young adult sons. Shanita shares her messages with audiences ranging from South Africa to San Francisco; Houston to Hawaii; Baltimore to Boston; Ottawa to Ohio and anywhere NSA lives.
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