The Galactic Intervention: Lord Ashtar?s Call to Humanity for Change, Awakening, and Peace

This is a message I received from Ashtar (Lord Ashtar, The Commander and Chief of The Galactic Federation of Light). As you will see, it addresses me personally but includes everyone in the message. It gives you clarity, hope and guidance to bring forth change and peace.
Lord Ashtar:
We (the alien nations) are coming whether people are ready because it is time for intervention in a deeper, more profound way. Many are anticipating our disclosure and coming. We aren’t waiting for you (humanity’s readiness) any longer because if you want the world to change, you need our help. We have been waiting on the sidelines long enough.
We had to get through the election to proceed. Now that the turmoil continues, we must intervene to bring forward peace.
Nothing will be shocking to some; it will be mind-blowing to others because they have been in denial for far too long.
No one will be harmed, and we will come to those ready and those on the peripheries who are almost ready so they can fully awaken to our existence. The word will spread. The reactions will be managed so there isn’t a full-out reaction of fear to sabotage the effort.
We will communicate through you and others ready to handle these messages.
There will be a day when peace will come to your planet, but it won’t be any time soon. But the sooner people embrace change and our help, the sooner we can move up that timeline.
Unfortunately, people fear change. They fear the unknown. But they don’t know how good it can be yet. Once they embrace the new golden age’s possibilities, life will be easier for all who ascend to that environment.
You are among many who embrace and welcome change, but there aren’t enough of you yet to make this an easy transition.
Some fear what happened in Atlantis. That was then; this is now. Failsafes are in place now to prevent disasters such as what occurred in Atlantis from repeating.
Another challenge lies in that many fear God. The God they often fear was represented by Lucifer. Lucifer is in the light. He is not running the planet. He is not in control. He is now in service to all. To elaborate, for the good of all — he may have attachments from the old him within those who aligned with him in some way over lifetimes. That means in this one or others. It still needs to be cleared whether you do it for them as a practitioner or if they do it themselves. Everyone needs to clean up that aspect of themselves to move forward with ease. That stagnant energy still holds people back despite him transitioning to the light.
People continue to live in the past in many ways. They carry guilt, shame, and regret from past deeds. They carry negative memories from things they have experienced or witnessed. All that still needs to be cleared for them to ascend with ease. Again, you can help people with that, or they can do it independently.
You have to be ready for ascension. It doesn’t happen to you; it happens through you. It happens because you are prepared to let go to ascend. No one takes anyone kicking and screaming to a higher plane of existence. Regardless, there is much help with the pouring in of light, such as solar flares and other efforts, to help loosen the debris that binds people to the past.
The more people awaken, the easier it will be because you all help each other buoy up.
We wish for active participation, however, where people engage in their ascension and not on a soul level, waiting for outside influences alone.
Change and Peace
Those who embrace change and want peace are asked to work on themselves and help to lessen the debris that keeps them stuck holds them back and limits their full expression of the light within for a life of more ease.
The time for change is now. Waiting for someday is futile. Now is the most suitable time to bring forth the possibilities our Divine Creator has in store for humanity, Earth, and all the Cosmos.
We are here to assist you in any way you allow us. We have much to share, teach, and give. Technological advances can help you across all life and business sectors. However, it would be best if you were open to receiving them, as we won’t force anything upon you.
We will await your welcome for just so long as the time is now for improvements for all.
Lord Ashtar, The Commander and Chief of The Galactic Federation of Light, in service to humanity and all.
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