Monday Motivator ? What Do Real Leaders Do?

The function of leaders is to produce more leaders, not more followers.
–Ralph Nader

Real leaders aim to create more leaders, not just followers. It’s about empowering others to step up, grow, and lead too. This way, everyone gets a chance to shine and the whole team thrives.

Sometimes this important responsibility is missed. Are you developing more leaders?

About Marsha Egan, CPCU, CSP, PCC, ICF-Certified CoachMarsha Egan, is CEO of the Egan Group, Inc., Nantucket MA and an internationally recognized professional speaker. She is a leading authority on email productivity. Her acclaimed ?12 Step Program for E-Mail E-ddiction? received international attention, being featured on ABC Nightly News, Fox News, and newspapers across the globe. In early 2009, the program was adapted into a book, Inbox Detox and the Habit of E-mail Excellence (Acanthus 2009 - Marsha works with forward-thinking organizations that want to create a profit-rich and productive email culture. Marsha was named one of Pennsylvania?s Top 50 Women in Business in 2006.

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