Text for new ExpertClick join page

Washington, DC
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Attention all Interesting, Extraordinary, and Credentialed Journalists, Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons!
You'll be in Good Company – we carefully screen profiles before acceptance in the system, review all content provided, and have a robust, shall we say "exit program."
Three Primary Member Benefits:
- News Media Interviews – Experts Interviews from CNN to the New York Times.
- Great SEO – we give you control and help you both choose best phrasing strategy and implement with our tools. Our questions system is a game changer as so much search is question based.
- Attracting journalists, new customers and visitors. From news media interviews to SEO the system ensures you get action--- People will know your expertise! They will know where to find you, and most importantly know you welcome contact and have a direct way to reach you!
There are four levels of membership, each with differing abilities and benefits.
- Journalists may join and ask questions – See the News Council guidelines for who qualifies at a journalist here: https://www.newsreleasewire.com/293040 Journalists should jump to this page to join: https://www.expertclick.com/Journalist/Registerjournalist.aspx
- Join free for an ExpertClick Press Room and to answer journalist questions. See qualifications below. Once you sign up you can instantly start answering questions. Journalists may also join as experts when they have a focused expertise.
- Join as an influencer. We pay influencers similar rates as they earn on YouTube and TikTok. To apply join free below, and email us a copy of your last income statement from a social media platform that already pays you. We'll set up for payment from us based on the page view you get here. – and postal mail you a crisp $2 bill in your welcome letter. Influencers may send news releases and connect their rss feed from other social media services to push content into ExpertClick press room and gain page views. With our inbound syndication influencers can simply set it up and we'll do all the work.
- Featured Paid Participants – Yes, we accept advertisers, and they get lots of benefits. Paid members get:
- Featured in the printed Yearbook of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons®.
- Sending news releases that push out ten ways including Google News and Lexis. Just seven keystrokes at www.NewsClick.com.
- Syndication with a direct pull from your blog and social media RSS feeds, so you passion elsewhere can flow directly into your press room.
- SEO set up and review by Mitchell P. Davis, who is certified SEO professional trained by Bruce Clay.
- Inclusion in our news feeds sent to opt-in journalists who can reach your directly to interview, or contact us to help choose guests and do the show prep and booking.
- Personal attention from Mitchell P. Davis, the editor and founder to alert you to questions and placement opportunities.
- …and our secret weapon – the daily video interview – a daily Zoom call with experts on breaking news so journalists can directly meet and hear how good you sound. Live daily at Noon weekdays on our front page.
Join below as a free member and later upgrade.
Or join as a paid member from the get-go at www.ExpertClick.com/join
We offer annual memberships – backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee.
If you meet one of the following criteria, congratulations, you're invited!
Apply below and get ready for media exposure and improved online visibility. Please use a professional email that matches your expertise or organization when registering. For example, James D. Feldman, the professional speaker, was instantly approved with the email jfeldman@shifthappens.com, linking to his website www.ShiftHappens.com.
- Professional Speakers: Are you a captivating speaker listed by a member of the prestigious International Association of Speaker Bureaus (IASB) or the esteemed National Speakers Association (NSA)? Or are you part of one of the national speaker associations in the Global Speakers Federation? Join the party! Check out IASB.org, NSASpeaker.org, GlobalSpeakersFederation.net. Members of Espeakers.com, SpeakerMatch,com, SpeakerHUB.com, SpeakerBase.com & InnovationWomen.com are also invited.
- Authors: Calling all word-weavers! If you have an author page on Amazon and a strong social media presence with at least 1,000 followers on either YouTube or TicTok, you've earned your golden ticket!
- Hollywood Professionals: Are you a mastermind behind the scenes or a dazzling actor with an IMDb profile? Cue the spotlight, you're in!
- Just Famous (or maybe Infamous): If you have a Wikipedia page all about you, whether you're celebrated or notorious, we want you! Embrace your legacy and join the ranks of the remarkable.
- Currently Serving or Running for Public Office: Attention all current & aspiring politicians! Whether you're aiming for federal, state, or local public office or representing a registered political action committee, we're rolling out the red carpet for you!
- Represent a Federal, State or Local Government Agency: From the US Cabinet to a local volunteer fire department, we welcome all government agencies. Yes, agencies like the CIA, DEA, White House, NASA, and Social Security Administration have already provided pages. See the CIA's page here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23885324-full-page-as-provided-by-the-cia?responsive=1&title=1
- Influencers: Hey you, with the massive following on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Threads, Truth Social, TikTok, or whatever is next. We see you! Bring your online stardom and join the fun! A massive following means 10,000 or more, please.
- 501(c)3 Non-profit Groups with Public Service Advocacy Programs: We love those who do good for the world! If you're a non-profit with a mission to make the world a better place, we've got a special spot for you. Check out www.NewsCouncil.org for guidelines. Please be able to share a recent public IRS 990.
- Think Tanks, Public Policy Groups, and Corporations: Calling all thinkers and policy shapers! If you've got a registered lobbyist in Washington or represent a company with a story to tell, we're all ears!
- Spokespersons for National Associations & Societies: If you're the mouthpiece for a 501(c)6 group, we've got a perfect match for you. Please be able to share a recent public IRS 990 form.
- Spokespersons for Publicly Traded Corporations: Stock market wizards, unite! If your company is listed on US exchanges, congratulations, you've got a VIP invitation!
- College & University Professors: Educators, this one's for you! As long as you have a profile on your school's website and a .EDU email, you're welcome aboard our academic adventure—no tuition fees required!
- Trade Show Exhibitors: If you're part of leading trade shows, as defined by Exhibitrac.com, where the exhibitors are profiled, then join the spectacle! It's time to get a shine on those shoes!
- Public Relations Professionals: Attention spin doctors! If you work for PR firms ranked in the prestigious O'dwyer Directory of PR firms, you can place accounts for your clients free of charge. You're the masterminds of the media, and we can't wait to have you on board. See the roster at https://www.odwyerpr.com/pr_firm_rankings/independents.htm for more details!
- Professional Journalists: If you are a journalist with: 1) a byline on a news website and 2) professional email associated with that website, and 3) if you are a member of one of the recognized journalist groups shown in this google sheet, as maintained by The News Council or recognized with a "Press Card" from a US Federal, Foreign Government or US State agency. . Feel free to check the list for updates, and share corrections: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HkZuDX77N_MeaZ34r43jVDW8J8gcA-DxU6CUiWZCc_g/edit?usp=sharing
So there you have it—your invitation to join our extraordinary league of newsworthy individuals. Apply now and get ready to make headlines, laugh, and conquer the world together!
source http://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Text-for-new-ExpertClick-join-page,2023297381.aspx
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