Truth is Simple and Straightforward

There is a worldwide ruling called The Universal Law that you cannot avoid. You were created within that law. Therefore, to align with the law is beneficial. If you do not live within that law, you will find difficulties to acknowledge you need to align with it. This is often called surrender.
Living within the rules is simple. One law says you will progress and grow. The object of life is to return to The Creative Force and All That There Is. Everything is orderly within that focus. The problems come from getting in your own way. The seeds of destruction come from every single negative movement singly or multiple. You hold the full and personal responsibility to ascent to your higher self in any way you chose. There are many ways to what you seek. You begin by desiring, right here. Say to yourself I would be most desirest of this, item, subject, accomplishment. By stating your desire, you have filed the aspects of the law. From that point on, the law takes over. It is relatively easy to plant the desire.
Your desires, beliefs, and acceptance will attach themselves to that desire and will manifest into your existence. Then you decide what to exchange or maintain. One more step is that there is no such thing as an accident, and there is no such thing as chance. Everything that occurs is strictly because you create it. This is called personal responsibility. When you have accepted responsibility for your life, you have mastered 95% of the problem. When you are in control the fear leaves. There is nothing to fear.
Now with a clear head, it is possible to be more logical. Being desiring of circumstances is primary if you want to exist within the function of life. When you open your mind and say you want something, you might receive it. However, it might become boring and not what you thought it would be. You did not want it after all.
We grow within reacting with individuals. Some you enjoy, some you somewhat like, and some you just as soon not see. Now you see responses and circumstances of your own life. It becomes clear which ones you desire to change and those you want to maintain. At this point, you have 99% of the battle licked. When you are in control and realize how the system works, all you have to do is do it.
Now there is only 1% left to go. That 1 % is merely the full fillment of your primary purpose in existence in your present form. Now knowing you are in control and you recognize how the system works, you insert desires for growth of a very high quality.
These desires can continue through other incarnations, as the only limits are the ones you place on yourself. If you are properly orientated in your whole being, you are in sole and total control at all times of every aspect of your existence. If you react to a situation, it merely means there is that which is in you that needs to be rectified. If the situation is pleasurable, you can increase the enjoyment. You can intensify the enjoyment by the intensification of your desire. This is part of the basic law of ask and you will receive which brings manifestation. It is very simple and is a very easy process when you accept this is the function of your life in a manner that you can receive.
Your acceptances and beliefs will change to merge into your understanding of what is true. Now you can include within your heart, truths for growth, in understanding, and the manifestation of all of this. This is the understanding for which you are looking— manifesting the truth. Some identify truth with personal opinion. They are not always the same.
By you actions, you shall know what is true. Observe you life and that of others, if you are joyous of what you see, join them. If you do not like what you see live within your own essence. Your essence is your complete and total being.
This is for today and will not change yesterday. As you sow so shall you reap. You get back what you give. That is how we learn. This law will never change. Your mind is a garden that you can plant with wonders of life that you will reap. If you plant it with weeds of discontent that is what you reap.
You are a combination of all that you have learned. This is the place and time that you choose to plant your seeds. This will alter, recreate, and reproduce a better you. You will be surprised how easy it is. It is up to you. This has always been true.
There is but one, the Creative Force. It was created of itself. The manifestation of humankind is created in the image and likeness of that great and wonderful force that it is. We were created with the ability to create. If used properly it can be the most wonderful thing in existence. If used inappropriately, it can bring misery, poverty, and other negative aspects. Therefore, acting rightly brings love into your life.
You only need to merely accept and relate to that which you already are. Open your eyes and see nothing but the light. Open you heart and hear the songs it sings. Open yourself and become the truth of what you already are because that is what you seek. You have always been created in the likeness and image of that force.
Tell yourself I seek to know, understand, and manifest the truth not my opinion or the opinion of anyone else. Listen to words of truth and not the individual. It does not matter whether they come from a beggar or a king. It is in truth and up to you. For in truth when you finally understand fully, you will know and be, consciously the force that is creation right on earth. Life is to be lived fully rather than in misery. The law is for your greatest benefit. Seek nothing less than the highest quality that is anywhere for the only limits that you have are those that you placed upon yourself. God loves you.
Rev. Marilyn L. Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT can help you find health, happiness and prosperity, too. Recently she was included in "Who's Who in America". Her books are distributed by the A.R.E. internationally to prisons. Marilyn is a spiritual counselor, internationally board-certified regressionist, hypnotist, teacher, speaker, and medium. In addition, she gives readings and is an ordained minister for spiritual healing. Marilyn’s 10 books at Amazon and on line at Barnes and Nobel, and many articles reveal how she achieved a consciousness of oneness in healing her traumatic life of mental illness, addictions, PTSD, domestic violence, depression, and more.
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