Responding to the Notification Decision Part Two ? Denied by Dr. Don Martin

Denied – This is never easy. After all of the time and work you have put in to your application, it can feel like a real slap in the face. If you are extremely upset, do not react by phone or in writing right away. Give it a few days. As you reflect, consider the following:
Being deined is never easy. After all of the time and work you have put in to your application, it can feel like a real slap in the face. If you are extremely upset, do not react by phone or in writing right away. Give it a few days. As you reflect, consider the following:
- Accept the decision. At this point you cannot change it.
- Don’t take it personally. Remember, under most circumstances the admissions committee is faced with a very difficult task: choosing a limited enrollment number from among a very large applicant pool. These individuals are good people, who are doing their best in a very difficult situation.
- Write a thank you note to the person who signed your notification letter, thanking him/her for taking the time to review your application.
- If you believe something was missed or overlooked, call and ask about it – kindly. Ask if your most recent test score was received or if a recent transcript is in your file. You may want to verify that all of your recommendation letters were received. If you sent a cover letter and it contained some very important information, check to be sure it was included when your application was read. On occasion something may have been overlooked. If so, most admissions committees will provide another complete evaluation. If they are unwilling to do so, or worse yet, not even willing to take another look at that part of your application, perhaps you are getting additional information about whether this is really the right institution/program for you.
- Sometimes admissions committees make mistakes. On rare occasions, a decision to admit is accidentally entered as a denial. Be assured that this rarely happens. All admissions offices have several “checks” in place to ensure that the proper decision is communicated to the applicant. However, in my time as a dean of admissions, on a few occasions a letter of denial was mistakenly sent to an applicant. So it would not hurt to check this out. Once again, do so kindly, not in an accusatory way.
- Request feedback and honor what you are told. Some admissions personnel will offer feedback for denied applicants in person, over the phone or in writing. If they do, ask for this feedback. Do not argue when you receive the feedback. Make sure you understand what was communicated, and be sure to thank the person for his/her time.
- Ask if additional information from you could result in a second look. Perhaps you have already found this out. If not, it never hurts to ask.
- Consider re-applying and ask about that process.
- Remember: This is a temporary disappointment, not a final blow. You WILL succeed, even though the path right now is not as you planned.
- This is a practice opportunity for patience and professionalism. If you want to send a positive message to the admissions committee, it is now. A mature, thoughtful attitude makes a huge and positive impression, believe me.
**I completely empathize with those who are denied admission. My first application to the doctoral program on the top of my list was denied. I was extremely disappointed and somewhat angry. So I waited a few days and then called the admissions office. I learned that my most recent standardized test score was not in my file. Also, I was told that an assessment of my academic skills did not come through in my letters of recommendation. I asked if I could send the updated test score and provide another recommendation letter. They said yes. I did so and one month later was accepted, with my first year of coursework being waived. I realize this may not be the outcome every time, but you never know.
Next Week: Tips for what to do if you are admitted.
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