The Quiet Week From Nancy Boyd -- Bright Wings Inc.
Dateline: Briarcliff Manor, NY
The week between Christmas and New Years is a Quiet Week ~ but it holds magnificent power if you know how to use it.

The Quiet Week
Most years I follow a faithful ritual. I use the Quiet Week to rest, reflect and prepare for the coming New Year.
Over the years, there have been many different ways I’ve approached this, yet each one has served me well in making a shift from What Was to What Will Become.
And that shift is critical, because without it, every day is the same as the one before, in an endless procession of things to do and achieve (aka BORING.)
This year, I’m pulling back the curtain in full transparency, to reveal what my path has been in 2022, what worked and what didn’t, and what conclusions I drew from that information; what I’ve been considering in the coming cycles; and how I choose which options to pursue with everything I have.
Here’s I should insert a little gem that I’ve learned over several decades of intentions, plans and goals — some attained and more failed/abandoned:
You can quote me on that (but please give me credit for saying it.)
All my life I’ve been blessed/cursed with more ideas than I can possibly do anything with; it’s a blessing because I always have an abundance of choices. (Close friends say I’m a polymath; maybe that’s true.) It’s a curse because it makes it hard to pick where to begin, and all too easy to sink under the weight of possibility and potential.
Needless to say: options are not plans. (You can quote me on that, too, as long as you attribute it to me!)
Options and possibilities accomplish nothing (by themselves.)
What they need is a decision: yes to this, no to that and all of the other bazillion options (that are ever so shiny and alluring.)
Another power tip: Whatever remains on the Possibilities/Options List CAN and MIGHT still happen! I am not giving up on them. I’m simply assigning an order and priority to them, for the purpose of accomplishing ONE AT A TIME.
Once the decision is made, I can (and do) switch gears into planning and action mode.
And here’s another “insider” tip: while I do this, I am also envisioning what I am going to FEEL as I take each step; I SEE myself taking the action and feeling wonderful and excited as I do.
From the action steps I can see myself taking, I create the basic plan — which will be flexible enough to morph into whatever it needs to be, to “getterdone.”
So. Here comes the transparency: I haven’t finished my process yet. I often don’t until well into a new year. Tomorrow is set aside for a full day of reflection, planning, and sharing and discussion with my life partner. But I have already completed part of my work and this is what I am going to reveal to you today.
This is the first time I’ve done this in public. And the reason I’m doing it now (though I never have before) is twofold:
1) I’ve achieved a level of self mastery that makes this process ever more true and powerful.
2) I’ve become aware that some people don’t actually know how to do this. So I’m using my own process as a kind of template that you can use for your own reflection, planning and preparations.
So that’s enough intro. Here’s the good stuff.
What 2022 was like for me, what worked and what didn’t, and what I learned from that.
Rollercoaster ride! (Can I just say that I hate rollercoasters? I throw up every time and won’t go on them anymore.) So 2022 was not fun when it kept showing up like the meanest baddest rollercoaster I’ve had the misfortune to ride. (That’s not to say all the other years have been without trauma, trouble or tragedy — because there HAVE been those, too.) This one was just. . . yeah.
What worked:
— Meeting and connecting with inspiring, powerful people and communities. I’ve met sooooo many cool new people, that are becoming friends, allies, collaborators, and resources.
— Easily finding important information that is needed to take next steps
— Intuition and insight upgraded and honed to new precision
— Attracting what I need in amazing ways, frequently
— Receiving and being gifted awesome new resources
— Discernment honed to a pinpoint degree
— Visions clarified and refined
— Health upgrades; I and my partner prepared for and began the Wahl’s Protocol — an eating and exercise plan for optimal health and to reduce chronic inflammation. It requires eating NO gluten, dairy, eggs, sugar or processed foods; abandoning microwave; consuming at least 9 cups of leafy greens daily; and much more. I’ve lost almost 40 pounds without even trying to lose weight; the food I’m preparing and eating is delicious; I feel better than I have in decades, and I have more energy than I imagined I could. I’m quite pleased and happy to make this my new lifestyle. (Yes, it takes work and planning but SO worth it!)
— Gratitude. This always works, and is often on my list of what worked each year.
What didn’t work (yet):
— Publishing my book Healing The Wanting. I’d wanted to get that done in 2022 but I’m not there yet. (It’s near the top of the list for 2023, with better plans to get there.)
— Wanting to jump into high ticket programs without resources or preparation. (I’ll be making myself ready so I can.)
— Not having a Plan B or C (with too many of my projects.) The way the Universe is unfolding now, everyone needs contingency plans. I kinda knew this, but just didn’t drink my own medicine!
— I created an Inner Circle team to share my ideas and give me honest feedback, but it fell apart when I was not crystal clear in the intentions for the group, and when members faced their own challenges the group was not the place to offer them solutions. I will revisit this idea in 2023 and see if we can get a new circle going. (Raise your hand if you wanna be part of this!)
— Self Publishing. I’ve got 4-6 books in digital format that I want to self publish on Amazon and other platforms, in various formats. What’s held me back is the tech parts; I’m so #notageek and the tech bits intimidate the hell outta me. I’ve made the decision that THIS is not gonna stop me in 2023; I have some ideas about how to deal with this one.
— Not enough resources. I’m working on that.
— Not enough help. Working on that too.
— Seeing into my own blind spots. I’m pondering this one and open to solutions; I’m putting some coaches onto my want list.
For me, 2023 will be about laying strong foundations and “putting the pillars” into place. I’ve got some of the pieces nailed but too many others were missing. In 2023 I’ll be taking care of those.
Here’s a preview of some of the new foundations I’ll be putting into place.
1) I hired a highly skilled VA team that will start in January, part time to start with and building gradually as I create more income streams to support growth. The list of ways they can help is broad and deep, but I’m starting them off to build and activate the following media channels:
— YouTube
— Instagram
— Pinterest
They will also work with me on many of my other major projects in 2023.
2) I’ve added an Affiliate Program for most of my products and services. This will give me leverage for my higher-ticket offers (which haven’t launched yet but are planned for 2023) and allow partners to promote them profitably. I’ll be saying more about that next year.
3) Communities. I will become part of a select few extremely targeted communities (of authors and thought leaders) and will be forming a few communities of my own. Stay tuned on that!
4) Mastermind. Later in 2023 I’ll be joining a high-ticket mastermind that will help me leverage everything I’m doing and help me reach my goals to reach at least 10 million people with my message and offers, and to grow my business to the next levels.
5) Publishing my books, either self-published or traditionally. This will give you more ways to access what I know, affordably — and to share it with others.
6) Specific projects that are getting my priority attention in 2023 (remember, I’m not done yet with my process!) are putting some solid offers together for both the Soul Path Academy ~ Soul Mastery in Conscious Evolution and Healing The Wanting.
I’ll be playing with which forms are going to give you the fastest results and the most “bang for the buck” — and surveying my target audiences much more deeply to serve you with the best programs possible.
You can look forward to a few membership sites with various levels of participation and community involvement, more video content and more personal touches from me. Those are the things I am definitely planning; they’re already taking shape right now.
All told, 2022 has felt energetically like a slingshot being pulled back slowly — with a LOT of friction and tension trying to keep that from happening/distracting me with crises.
2023 feels like the time to aim clearly and release the best of what I have (whole heaps of goodness and yummy.)
The teachers whose wisdom I’ve had the blessing to study have all told me that the more powerful a project, the more “pushback” I can expect from The Universe. So I’m under no delusions that 2023 will be without challenges. It’s just that I now know with more precision and clarity what it’s going to take. And I’m making the choice to face whatever comes with determination, Love, and all that I am, in service of the goodness I’m meant to bring. I’m heading into 2023 better prepared in all kinds of ways than I ever was before.
One more thing I’m now very clear that I’m here to serve and support people who are working to create the kind of world no one needs to recover from. Everything I’m doing aligns with that 1000%.
If YOU are one of those people, let’s talk. We have a lot to discuss.
After you’ve read this, I’d love to know how this article has helped you, and what you discover as you do your own year-end processes (whatever they are.)
I’d be honored if you’d visit my Facebook page where I’ll be sharing this post, and add your comments there in the thread.
Best comment will get a free consultation with me in 2023, so you have an added incentive to go over there and do that!
See you in 2023! Wrap yourself in Love and Peace, rest, prepare. . . and let’s rock 2023 with the best we can bring. I’m all in. Are you?
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