Add Some Humor to Your Sales & Marketing
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA
“Many a truth is said in Jest” is an adage that is, well, kinda true. If you want to inject humor into your communications, find something about your product or service that is not great, but kinda true . . .and point it out.
After my event in Vegas this week, I took a stroll down the main drag and saw some fun examples of this – This candy store says what we all know about candy . . . it’s not good for you. And I’m guessing the Drinkaide has many of the same ingredients as a sports-type drinks . . . but they’re promoting it for hangovers (something many people have experienced but don’t talk about!).

Start looking around!
Take a look at how other marketers market their products’ “bad features” and then do the same for yours. Make a list of good and bad things about your product or service and see if you can find a funny gem in there.
And yes, there were people in the candy store, despite the true advertising of a not-so-great product feature, though I did not go into the liquor store to watch people in line for the drinkade.
Before you try to sell people something, get them laughing. They’ll at least listen to your pitch and probably remember you.
Have a great weekend and keep laughing!!
Jan — this is my main keynote and comedy website. Check it out!
check out my humor newsletter in this post for more laughs!
About Jan
Jan McInnis is a keynote speaker, comedian, comedy writer, and author. She has written for Jay Leno’s Tonight Show monologue as well as many other people, places and groups – radio, TV, syndicated cartoon strips, guests on the Jerry Springer show (her parents are proud). For 25+ years she’s traveled the country as a keynote speaker and comedian sharing her unique and practical tips on how to use humor in business (yes it’s a business skill!). She’s been featured in the Huffington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post for her clean humor, and she’s the author of 2 books: Finding the Funny Fast – How to Create Quick Humor to Connect with Clients, Coworkers and Crowds,” and “Convention Comedian: Stories and Wisdom From Two Decades of Chicken Dinners and Comedy Clubs.”
Jan McInnis
Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies
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