Now That Ducks Fly South for the Winter, A Picture Book Features a Duck That Stays Behind

It's the season when ducks, geese, and many other birds fly south for the winter to escape the cold weather and snow. From September to December, they are off until spring.
But The Story of Googala Duck tells the story of a duckling that decides to stay behind, since he likes playing in the pond and doesn't want to leave his friends, the otters, beavers, and muskrats. However, they're getting ready for winter themselves, and soon he has to face the harsh realities of a cold snowy winter. So how will he survive, and will he be able to meet his family again in the spring? That's what a new series of books – The Story of Googala Duck – is all about. The books recently were released and a video introducing the series is at
The five-part series, called The Story of Googala Duck, began as a story that author John M. Pluff told his young children. Later, he decided to turn it into five picture books, and now he is developing the story into a film.
In the first book, Saying Goodbye for the Winter, Googala doesn't listen to his parents advice to south with them, and in the second book Getting through the Winter, he faces the growing cold weather and snow. Then, in book three Encounter with a Hunter, he thinks he has found a home for the winter with a hunter, who hopes to cook him for dinner, and in the fourth book Help from an Owl, he finds another place to stay in a nest in a tree. But then he has to leave again.
The last book continues the story. So will Googala make it through the winter? Will he see his family again in the spring? And what will he learn from his struggles? The Story of Googala Duck tells this story, which is ideally set at a time when ducks really do fly south for the winter, as it tells Googala Duck's story. It also provides a message for kids about the value of learning from one's parents and about gaining personal courage to face any challenges in life. And more stories about Googala Duck and his brothers and sisters are planned, because they have stories, too.
Besides writing about ducks, author John Pluff has been writing film scripts and is the owner of a successful building company, the American Building Group. The first script, The Dragon of Locke, is about two detectives who help to solve a case involving the theft of a sacred dragon from a Taoist monastery in China after it is shipped to Stockton, California, while they are trying to find the missing brother-in-law of a local businessman. The script has recently been entered in 18 international film festivals, and future scripts about the Dan and Winnie and their next cases are in the works.
For more information, visit the website at, and you can contact John Pluff at J. Michael Publishing at or call (408) 316-5553.
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