Jim & Dan Pasko

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Show Notes
[00:00] Introduction of gamblers, Jim and Dan Pasko
[00:35] Does...See More Jim still play backgammon?
[03:17] Studying backgammon before bots, taking risk
[09:33] Cheating stories from The Cavendish, scams, magnetic dice
[17:06] Sport betting
[19:36] Jim and Dan's background in math
[23:29] Betting football and nba props, increasing market efficiency
[26:37] Solving problems for other bettors, combinatorics
[29:12] Erosion of edges as markets change and evolve
[32:42] SouthPointCasino.com
[33:36] BlackjackApprenticeship.com
[34:20] VideoPoker.com/gwae
[35:22] Unabated.com
[35:58] How to contact Jim and Dan
[37:15] Backgammon, learning curves, Stu Ungar
[41:51] Bomb pots
[49:06] Recommended; The Great on Hulu, The Duke, Good Will Hunting, Tombstone
Sponsored Links:
"The Great" http://Hulu.com/series/the-great
"The Duke" http://Mubi.com/films/the-duke-2020
"Good Will Hunting" http://Miramax.com/movie/good-will-hunting
"Tombstone" http://Imdb.com/title/tt0108358/
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Huntington Press is a specialty publisher of Las Vegasand gambling-related books and periodicals, including the award-winning consumer newsletter, Anthony Curtis’ Las
Vegas Advisor.
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source http://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Jim-Dan-Pasko,2022276382.aspx
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