Planners and Organizers to Print

Dozens of new planner variations have been added to the popular website They range from academic year planners to holiday party and meal-trackers.
"I started this site in 2008 with a selection of basic planners, and it's grown to more than 1,144 printables," said Kevin Savetz. "There are both free and premium, paid versions of each planner page to instantly download and print."
The newest additions include academic year planners with several months on each page. There are also new yearly planners themed for: school, gardening, travel, home renovations and editorial content.
There are also several new planners, guest lists and menu templates for parties and events. There's a distinct header on each page, with colorful accents. Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's are among the occasions represented. started by offering refill pages for traditional planners sized to fit Franklin Covey, Day-Timer and Day Runner. These remain popular, and the selection has expanded to include the sizes of: executive, desktop, A5, large cahier, travel, personal, pocket, hipster, A6, small cahier, small and mini.
The site also has specialty journals, bullet journal designs, cute decorative planners, planner stickers, an author planner, a baby planner, and coordinated planner pages with floral or watercolor designs. The popular weekly and 5- and 10-year planners are designed for jotting down a few sentences on a specific date, year after year.
Each item is free to print individually in PDF form to write on by hand. The premium DOC version, which works with Microsoft Word and other compatible programs, is $4 per design. Or, site users can purchase an entire collection of planner inserts in one size in one convenient download for $9.
"I recently reorganized into categories to make specific printables easier to find by size, function or layout," Savetz said.
There are even more organizational printables at, and with to do lists, papers and grocery lists. Recently, began offering premium personal or business Planner Packs, each of which have 50 printables. These time- and money-saving Packs are just $17 per Pack with the 10% newsletter subscriber discount.
There are more than 100 sites in the family of free printables sites created by Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.
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