Happy BD2Me From Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor HotYearsMag.com

I’ve orbited the sun once more
Rotated its axis times 365
Had some good times and some bad
But I’m healthy and alive
Had some losses and some gains
Had some pleasures and some pains
Explored, expanded, learned a lot
Grateful for some things I forgot
Zoomed the world through my computer
Had a grandchild who couldn’t be cuter
Walked almost a thousand miles
Shed a few tears, but mostly smiles
What did I learn? Life is perspective
Didn’t need a thought detective
Can’t wait for next year and what will be
Tonight we’re singing Happy BD2Me
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Subcribe to this award-winning digital magazine by visiting www.HotYearsMag.com. Issues contain videos, music, quotes and recipes and of course, lots of valuable, easy to understand articles on how to live a healthy, happy and hormonally balanced life.
For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Dr. Mache Seibel at info@HotYearsMag.com or 617-916-1880.
source http://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/Happy-BD2Me-From-Mache-Seibel-MD-Menopause-Expert-Speaker-Editor-HotYearsMagcom,2022270394.aspx
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