I Was Scammed Complete Book and Series Features Major Scams and How to Avoid Them - from Personal Identity to Merchant/Customer,

The number of scams today is bigger than ever, stimulated by a number of factors -- the opportunity for anonymity on the internet, the decline of interpersonal communication due to the pandemic, the growing inequality leading individuals experiencing economic difficulties to resort to crimes for income, and more.
Whatever the reason for this huge growth in scams, I Was Scammed, a follow-up to the very successful The Big Con, about a book-to-film scam that has gained nine 5-star ratings on Amazon, has just been published. It is published both as a complete book and as a series of five books based on dividing the complete book into the sections featuring different types of scams. Like The Big Con, it has been published by American Leadership Books and will also be featured as a documentary to be released in the fall.
As the complete book and the series indicate, I Was Scammed features the major types of scams: identity fraud; merchant and customer scams; home sale and rental scams; email, phone, and social media scams; and the latest scams. Among the latest scams described are gift card, couponing, podcast, conference, contest, and book review scams. Besides discussing the different scams, including stories of scam victims, the book describes how to avoid each of the scams.
The books will be featured in a high-profile campaign on Amazon and the social media, and endorsements from experts and well-known opinion leaders will be announced soon.
Given the increasing interest in the topic and the growing number of scams, the Facebook group for "Scammed" which features information on different types of scams and how to avoid them, has been growing rapidly. It is now up to 263 members.
The Amazon link to the Kindle book is at https://www.amazon.com/Was-Scammed-Updated-Expanded-Becoming-ebook/dp/B09PNB38GJ, and there are paperback and hardcover editions. Also, if search for I Was Scammed with the author's name -- Gini Graham Scott -- you'll see both the complete book and all five books in the series. More specifically, the book description for the complete book reads as follows:
I Was Scammed features an overview of different types of scams, focusing on digital and internet scams. After an introduction to how the scam investigation began after experiencing a scam targeting book authors in The Big Con, the book discusses identity fraud, which is the root of so many scams. The book describes the growing identity theft problem, the many data breaches that have occurred, the ways scammers use your personal information, how to protect your identity from theft, and how to repair the damage after a scam. Then, the book describes these major types of scams that have been turned into separate books:
- Merchant and customer scams
- Real estate frauds, including rental scams, moving scams, home improvement and repair scams, and real estate investment scams
- Email, phone, and social media scams
- The latest scams, including
- Gift card scams
- Couponing scams
- Phony contest and prize scams
- Podcast participation scams
- Conference participation scams
- Publishing and marketing services scams
- The book review scam
Besides describing the scams, the book provides tips on how to avoid becoming a victim, and what to do if you are.
The link to the Scammed group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/1060223038128200
For more information and to set up interviews:
Karen Andrews
Executive Assistant to Gini Graham Scott
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Lafayette, CA 94549 . (925) 385-0608
source http://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/I-Was-Scammed-Complete-Book-and-Series-Features-Major-Scams-and-How-to-Avoid-Them-from-Personal-Identity-to-MerchantCustomer,2022266688.aspx
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