510 ? Be a product producing machine: Tom talks Ask Me a Product Production Question
Dateline: Virginia Beach, VA

Episode 510 – Ask Me A Product Production Question
[00:00:09] Welcome to Screw the Commute. The entrepreneurial podcast dedicated to getting you out of the car and into the money, with your host, lifelong entrepreneur and multimillionaire, Tom Antion.
[00:00:24] Hey everybody, it's Tom here with episode five hundred and ten of Screw the Commute podcast. Today, we're going to do and ask me a product production question. Last episode was Ask me a video question. So we're going to be doing a lot of these and I'll be doing more product production website questions, all kinds of stuff in the future. It does not mean we're not doing interviews anymore. It's just when I'm super busy. I can knock one of these out very quickly and not have to deal with editing two people and setting it up and doing all that stuff. And I'm happy to do all that stuff, but right now is an extremely busy period, so I figured, how can I help the people as fast as possible? And this is how we're doing these. Ask me a question episodes and I got to tell you. This can mean fortunes to you. I mean, I've been making products, oh my God, long before the internet was around. And it's meant millions and millions and millions of dollars and the non internet related products, some have been selling for 28 years before the internet, the commercial internet start. All right. So this is my philosophy called work get paid, paid, paid, paid, paid and paid some more. See, because most people's work motto is Go to work, get paid, go to work, get paid, go to work.
[00:01:56] Hope the company doesn't go out of business and so you can get paid. All right, so. So in this case, you work on a product and then it can sell for years and years and years. And I mean, I still have some internet products that sell multi years. But and a lot of them are digital now, so they're easy to update so they can keep selling for more years. Perfect example is one of my books kickstart viral, so I don't know. It wrote that three or four years ago, and then I just go in and update it if some of the software has changed or something and put a new copyright on it and boom, boom, boom, I got, you know, within a couple of hours, I have an updated, fully updated product. So that's what we're talking about product production so that you work and then you can sell the stuff over and over and over. And if I don't understand why more people can't get this concept right, because they just want to get up, take a shower, feed the dogs, get the kids to school, go to work, slave away, listen to some idiot telling them what to do. Be surrounded by a bunch of worthless slugs that that don't care about the quality of their work. I know I'm giving a poor attitude of this, but it's so prevalent out there.
[00:03:17] It's very rare when you see people that are really doing a great job at work and no matter, and I did that when I was, you know, I had a couple jobs cutting grass and things, but I always went overboard to do a great job, even if it wasn't my, you know, doing it for my yard say so. I don't want you to do that. I want you to get it in your head that you can make products. Information products are the best, not novels and fiction. Yes, you can make money with that, you know, ask J.K. Rowling. All right, but that's one in a hundred billion that makes it that kind of way. So. So information how two products are very, very simple to create. And you don't have to be a 50 year expert to make a product on something. You can research it, try out the methods and compile research from other people that have actually done it. And you know, so and I'm not a person that wants you to hold yourself out as an expert if you haven't done something for a long time and are really great at it. But that's a different story than creating an information product where you go to sources that have done it. Put them all together, and you're kind of like the publisher. And so you can do all kinds of things with these things and it gets. And one thing all products should do is lead to something bigger, you know? So if I write a book, I want it to lead to a sale of something else an online program or a mentor, my mentor program or somebody signing up for my school.
[00:04:55] So. This can lead this can really change your entire life if you buckle down and do it, if you just, you know, if you're just a slug and you just go to work and come home and you just watch TV all night, well, there you go. That's that's that's your fate. All right. But it doesn't have to be that way because the tools are so easy now to use and so cheap and free and your computer is just massively powerful. Ok, so let me get off my soapbox here and hit you in the head with some of the stuff. But the first thing I want you to do is guy grab my automation book because one of the things if you are going to work now and you want to get out of it, you need to be able to work faster on your, your internet or your online business. See? So this book that I been given away for hundreds of episodes here will make you work faster. And I tell people, you're just crazy. You're just crazy, lazy, stupid. If you don't use these things and I'm not saying my book is the end all, be all, but it kind of is, and it's free.
[00:06:02] So you're kind of ridiculous. If you don't download the darn thing and look at it and say, Oh, I didn't know you could do that. And now all of a sudden you're working way faster. You're not sitting at the computer as long just by taking the time to learn a few of these things. So go download the darn book and use it at screwthecommute.com/automatefree. And while you're at it, get a copy of our podcast app at screwthecommute.com/app. We give you a teach you how to use it. Screen captures and videos and all kinds of ways to use it so you can have us with you on the road. I mean, there's literally over a million dollars worth of training in the episodes of this, and that's not even counting the. Interviews that I've done, so there's sort of five hundred and this is five hundred and ten, I think so. One hundred and sixty one hundred and seventy of those are training episodes free? All right. So you've got over a million dollars worth of training there. If the if I was teaching you this stuff one on one or if you're in my mentor program, so if you want to take advantage of it, you know, I know what you're doing. All right now, I want your help on this pilot program I'm doing with persons with disabilities.
[00:07:25] They are really, really inspirational people that are in the program. We're going to get them trained with internet and digital marketing. We're going to get them hired or in their own business. And then we are going to. You go for grants and foundations and corporations to finance a big rollout of this after I approved the concept, see, it's if you just go begging for money, that's one thing. But if you go begging and show people, look, this is what I've been able to do to help these people change their lives and get them off. I'm not specifically talking about the people that we're talking about that are in the program, but I'm saying for many people disabled or on welfare rolls and wish they could get off but don't know what, what to do and how to do it. So I want to help tons of those people be productive and increase their self-esteem and reduce the suicide rate and reduce the unemployment rate so you can help out with this. So go to my school site. IMTCVA.org/disabilities, and then click on the Go Fund Me campaign and you'll see videos of these people that two of them are blind and doing internet stuff. Can you believe it? I couldn't believe it, either. When they first signed up, I'm like, Oh man, I didn't know I was thinking people that are on crutches or something or didn't have any legs, but these people are in it and in it to win it. Put it that way. So check it out.
[00:09:10] Ok, so let's get to the main event. So I compile questions that are related in these ask me questions and some of the earlier ones. I just did a potpourri and I'll still do that. But in this case, it's all product production related. All right. So the first one in this Tom, everybody tells me to write a book and you have written many. What's your method? Ok? Well, the first thing I always do in the way I teach my mentees. As you start with the PDF version, because there's no cost involved, there's high profit there, ninety seven percent profit, they can be changed on a dime. You probably already have everything for free that you need to do it, which is. A word processor, either in a Mac or PC, the ability to convert to PDF, which you can. They're free. I mean, if you can do Adobe, but you've got to pay for that. And to make the cover art or any graphics, you got things like Canva and I picky. That's IPCC. Or why IPCC? Why? So the risk is extremely low. And and another thing you know, when you make a book, the first version is never, ever, ever, ever perfect. I mean, they may never get perfect, but you always after you finally see it and put it out there, you say, Oh darn, I forgot to say this.
[00:10:45] Or some reader will say, Hey, why didn't you talk about this? And you say, Oh man, I forgot that. And so if it's a printed book, you've got enormous amounts of work. I'm going to get into printed books here in a minute to fix it up. We're with an e-book. You go back to the word document, let's say, make the changes. Change the table of contents a little bit. Re convert it to PDF and boom, boom, boom. Here you're here. You're back in business with no expense and no delays and no trouble and no wishing, you know, trying to get rid of old versions of the book because they they're not in your garage, in a box. They're just, you know, it's just the electrons on your computer. So I always started with the PDF version. And then to further decrease the risk and increase the sales, then we convert it to Amazon Kindle. We don't bother with Barnes and Noble Nook any of the Apple things, nothing. There's nobody competing even close. And the thing is you say, Well, what's the difference? Why shouldn't I just throw it on all these other? Well, Amazon is smart, and they have this deal where if you swear or if you make a contract with them, that you won't sell the book anywhere else. That's a 90 day contract.
[00:12:10] It's not forever. All right, if you make a contract, say you won't sell the book anywhere else, they will give it away for free for five out of those 90 days. And you say, Well, what good is that? Well, earlier I told you the book should always lead to something bigger. So. They gave away five and No. Twenty five hundred copies of one of my ebooks in five five days. And. Each e-book leads people to something that makes me six hundred dollars per year per person. Right. So I started getting thousands of dollars extra a month because of Amazon's power. So do you think I want to trade that to get to get one sale every three months from Barnes and Noble or something? No, I don't. So don't bother with anything, and it's totally free. Amazon has Kindle create software. I did a whole e-book, 12 week mastermind, and we'll be doing another one here soon. So watch for that on your email. Make sure you're if you see if you get that automate free book, you'll be on my email list and you'll get notice of these training sessions. So then. That's the two things we do. And so that's all I'm that's all I'm going to talk about for producing, you know, a book. And it just put things in logical order, like whatever you know, how to do or you can research how to do put it in logical order. How to books are so easy.
[00:13:42] See, I don't have the mind to write a fiction book where you have plot and character development and twists and turns. No, this stuff is, I mean, that's far beyond my my intelligence level. The how to stuff, though you can just crank it out until the cows come home because it's logical and people want to know how to do stuff. So. So there you go on that now. If you do want to then go to the printed version. All right. It's a whole different ballgame. All right. You got the text mostly written, but here's the thing. When you go to the printed version now, I'm not talking about going for a major publisher, that's a whole thing that I just think is a nightmare. Worthless. I won't even bother getting into the the hassles of that. And unless you're a super celebrity, you're not going to get any kind of advance that's worth it. They're going to. You know, require you to sell so many books, and, you know, there's just all kinds of things. And like, for instance, when I went with a major publisher, I got a big advance, but that was years ago and they nickel and dime me. They made me pay for the graphics. They made me pay for indexing the book. They. And it was 18 months from the time I gave him the manuscript till the book came out on internet topic. It was obsolete. You. It was partially obsolete before it even hit the shelf.
[00:15:08] You know, so. So anyway, one thing that you absolutely must do is I. I absolutely, I'm saying require if you do it or you don't, it's your problem. But you should buy two different books. One is the the last version of the self-publishing manual by Dan Poynter. Or He's deceased, but I mean, there's been 20 editions at least. So I get the latest one and then the one thousand and one ways to market your book. By John Kremer. So the first one is going to be your total blueprint on how to self-publish a book. See, I want you to self-publish because that's where the big money is. You can go to what they call a vanity publisher who will take their time and make a cover for you, and they'll take their time and give you an ISBN number and they'll take their time and they'll edit it, you know, so you're paying a lot of money for that service and then and some of them are total rip offs. In fact, I did an episode with Dan Genelle Journal on his podcast and we my whole. The whole episode was about publishing rip offs. So get out of that just, you know, save up the money to get a cover. And you know, and when I say save up the money in my e-book mastermind, nobody paid for covers. There's beautiful templates, hundreds and hundreds of them on Canva.
[00:16:45] So they just made them on canvas with the tiny bit of training for free, and they're all gorgeous. In fact, we have a page on our on the screw the commute. I'll get the the thing for the the show notes. I can't remember the the address to it right this moment, but all these covers that were made by people for free and they're gorgeous and they sell their ebooks. So. Anyway, you can make a cover yourself, but remember, you got a front cover, back cover and a spine. So it's a little bit different. Uh, you have bar code, if you want the book to be in retail stores, you have ISBN numbers, which you know to be in many of the stores you have to have. And you got you have to decide whether I want an ISBN or not. So if you're going to be selling them at back of the room speaking engagements, you may not even need or care about an ISBN. One thing you got to worry about ISBN is if your sales aren't that great. Everybody in the publishing industry knows about it because they can go, look up your ISBN and see how many copies you sold. So and you could have sold ten thousand in the first month at the back of the room and speaking engagements. But that doesn't show up in their system. So you've got to be you have to just decide whether you want an ISBN or not.
[00:18:12] Then you've got to. You know, you can do the whole layout, the book in Microsoft Word, but Microsoft Word is not a typesetting machine and it's going to look a little bit, you know, chintzy if you just do it in Microsoft Word. So then you're going to look up typesetting. And I remember the last time I did it, which was a long time, it was four dollars a page for typesetting on a six by nine book. And you have to decide what size is it going to be six by nine, five and a half by eight and a half? Is it going to be eight and a half by 11 like a workbook? You know, you got to decide all these things. But anyway, all of these details are laid out in in beautiful beautifully. In the Dan Poynter book, I got his first copy of that book, I don't know, 30 years ago or more, and his influence is in all my products now. So. And then the the one thousand and one ways to market your book. You know, all these ways in this book apply to all these products. So so a lot of John Kremer stuff is influenced in my stuff. So anyway, much more difficult to print a book. And now you have print on demand, which you can go through Amazon and the CDP program. Kindle Direct Publishing is what you'll do your your Kindle ebook and convert it to a print on demand.
[00:19:37] Or you can go to a major publisher or a major book printer, which they're getting, you know, more few and far between. And in that case, Dan Poynter in his book, tells you how to make a bid. And I do have to tell you. Send the bid that's going to see when you go to a commercial book printer. The book is going to look exactly the same, no matter who you, which one you send it to, the paper is going to be exactly the spec. The colors are going to be exact. See, it's a whole different animal than print on demand. So what you do is you make up a big sheet of all the paper that you want and the colors and this and that, and then you send it out to at least 30 commercial book printers. And you'll be amazed at the difference in the bids because some of them might be hurting something, maybe they got a load of paper that somebody didn't pick up or complete their books they want to get rid of? Who knows? But you know, for the my wake them up business presentations book, the bids were from eleven thousand to thirty six thousand and four, the same exact book that was for five thousand copies, I might add. So guess what, I took the 11000 and guess what again? There's some cool tricks. I pre-sold a thousand of them for seven bucks apiece and got $7000 to put towards the print bill.
[00:21:05] So I only paid four thousand dollars for four thousand copies for a twenty four point ninety five book. Now that's a pretty darn good markup. I only paid a dollar each and sold them for twenty four point ninety five and I could discount them and give them away at speaking engagements at twelve point ninety five and still make $10 $11 a book. So that's a whole thing on deals you can make when you when you're selling products at the back of the room. Ok, but anyway, there's some information on printed book. All right, Tom, how do you make an online course? Well, whenever you're going to do an online course, I'm going to highly suggest that you make it what we call multimedia. That means it's got video, audio and print because you don't want to just put out a just a video course and then. People that drive for work or, you know, in their car all day, they're never going to buy it because they can't watch it, they can't consume it. But if you put out a video course. And then you took the audio track off the video and made an MP3 they could put on their cell phone and then if you had it transcribed cheaply, which is cheap nowadays. So that they could the people that like to read could follow up and watch the video, listen to the audio in the car, maybe and then follow up and read the details or, you know, one of the thing about videos, they're nice.
[00:22:37] But a lot of times people don't want to watch the whole video to find this one thing that they were interested in, so they can quickly go through a PDF file and find a piece of information they were looking for. Sometimes you put the time stamp on the PDF file, which takes them back to the part of the video. They covered that. I mean, that's another nice little feature. You could throw it. So online courses probably should be locked away now. Have I done some that aren't locked? That's right, I have. It was just too much trouble, and I need to get it out fast for some reason. I don't, you know, some of these I don't remember, I've done so many of them, so I just put it on it what's called a hidden page? So nobody knows the address to the page, the URL unless they bought it and the shopping cart gave it to him. But there's no lock or no, no anything on it. Now, could somebody find it and steal the course? Yes. So that's the downside, but it's fairly inexpensive to lock off the pages. We use WordPress as basically you've got a membership site. So, for instance, copywriting nine hundred one would be an example of this, which is a lifetime membership. And it's basically a WordPress website with a wish list member plug in, which we got affiliate links for that.
[00:23:59] If you wouldn't mind buying through our affiliate link and then just email me for that if you want. And then a couple of other little plug ins to make it all automated and then people pay in the shopping cart and then that unlocks the pages where your videos are. Right? So that's how you make an online course. And then if you know, if you're a little camera shy, you don't even have your face doesn't even have to be on the video, you don't even have to have a good hair day. You can simply use screen capture VIDEO And I've been using screen capture for now. Almost twenty two years started in the year 2000 with CAMTASIA is the gold standard. There's others, but that's the gold standard. And I just put stuff on the screen like I might be training you on how to use a piece of software. So I put it on the screen. And then my microphone picks up my voice telling you where to click and what to do and how to use it. And a big yellow ball shows up under my cursor. That's one of the things people mess up on screen capture video that people can't follow you because they can't see the cursor very well. So mine, the cursor lights up yellow, and if I click, there's a flashes red, you know, so it's very user friendly to the person watching.
[00:25:23] And they never see my face. They just hear my voice and they see the the the software and the software is not mine because I don't make software. It's driving them through an affiliate link to go by the software if they liked what I showed them, see. So that screen capture VIDEO And so most of the copywriting course, the main thing was screen capture video again with audio files and again with PDF files to back up the audio. Excuse me to back up the video things, but it's all screen capture. You don't see me. I'm showing you examples of subject lines and and scribbles and and just, you know, email sales letters and small sales letters and all the kinds of things that's made millions of dollars for me over time. That's a copywriting nine. Oh one. Ok, so that's making an online course. Ok, audio products. Well, the first thing is you've got to have good audio. People don't, you know, there's used to hear in high quality audio, their earbuds are better now. Their headphones are better, their speakers on their computers are better. So you don't want a schlocky audio, so you have to have a decent microphone and we recommend a dynamic microphone. That's a type of microphone. It's not a brand. Because it's not so sensitive and you think, well, I should have a good, sensitive mic. No, you shouldn't.
[00:26:55] Not if you're recording at home because it'll pick up everything that you don't want it to pick up. So I'm using a good quality dynamic microphone right now, and I'm doing other things to knock out the noise and the recording environment and things like that are important. I've got plenty of episodes telling you about that, but I write out a script. But here's the thing. I'm extremely experienced in reading where it doesn't sound like I'm reading. I mean, I go all the way back. I've had my sag after card from doing commercials and taking training with the Screen Actors Guild teleprompter and all that stuff. So I'm extremely because if you're not good at that or extremely good at that, it looks like you're reading or sounds like you're reading, and that is just terrible. All right. So so if if you're not extremely experienced and not willing to practice, then just put bullet points in a logical order and talk. All right. And remember, for audio, they can't see you. So you can have as many notes as you want. But here's the thing, don't shuffle the papers around in between reading them. And, you know, because that gets on the recording. So at the end of one page and notes, let's say or your script. Just stop talking. Change your page and then start talking after. There's no movement and no paper sounds anymore because this is going to be edited out later. But if you're shuffling the papers while you're talking, you can't edit that out easily or at all sometimes.
[00:28:39] Now, audio editing is way easier than video editing. There's some audacity is free for either Mac or PC. Hey, that's that isn't poetic. It's pathetic. You have sound forages. Another well-known one I use Adobe Audition and a super fancy one is pro tools. I don't use that. You can learn how to do this. In fact, I always say this because it's just so funny. It sticks in my mind. And the guy that taught me Mike Stewart, the internet audio guy, is an old country boy from Georgia. And so he says, Tom, if you want to edit audio, first thing you got to do is record something. And then and then he said, and then you cut out what's bad and what's left is good. That's all it is with a half hour. I can teach you how to edit as good as me. All right. But I've edited all five hundred and ten versions of this. Well, I haven't edited this one yet because it's not finished. But five hundred and nine versions of the podcast I've edited and I'm super fast added after, you know, after you do do it a little bit, you get really fast at it. Then you, you know, you go back to where you were changing pages in your script and there's a gap there of nothingness. You just highlight it, hit delete and it disappears like it was never there.
[00:30:13] I mean, it's it's beautiful. It's so easy to audio edit nowadays. Now let me give you some techniques to make it even easier. One technique you can use. Now, this isn't for live things that I'm doing, like a live interview on a podcast or something, but I could do it on this one very easily because it's just me. One technique that I learned years ago is that if I make a mistake, I snap my fingers like this. And then I know, and it makes a really sharp thing on the audio editing software so I can see, oh, there's a there's a mistake right there so I can go right to it and I know the mistake was right before the click. I mean, I'm not anticipating my clicks and clicking before I make the mistake. All right. So right at the click right behind it is the mistake. So I listen to it, I highlight it and delete it like it never happened. It's so, so cool. And then I I never try to fix a word right in the middle of a sentence. So if I make a mistake, I click my fingers. That shows the where the mistake was, and then I start that sentence over again and I can go right through. And then when I go to edit it, I can see the mistakes boom, boom, boom, boom, boom and go and fix them really quick.
[00:31:35] Ok. Some people use a dog training clicker if they're not good at snapping their fingers. But snapping your fingers, you know, is easy. Now, one of the things you think you should keep in mind on audio products is you probably should put an extra level of detail. And because remember, there's no visuals to go along with it. That's one of the problems with taking the audio track off of the video. When you're doing a multimedia thing is that a lot of times you, you know, they're seeing something so you don't put much detail into it because they can see it on the screen. Well, I'm changing my tune on that, especially since we're doing so much work with blind people that can't see it. Even if they can hear the video, they can't see it. So I'm starting to put more levels of detail in things, so you want to keep that in mind. And then you always record at the highest quality on a PC. It's a .wav file. On a Mac, I think it's a .AIFF file and then you reduce it to MP3, which is the standard everybody uses. But here's the thing that people don't understand. MP3 is a variable quality. It can go from super high quality where nobody but the the audio engineer can tell the difference from the wave file down to so bad, it sounds like static. All right. So you have to learn about what quality you want to distribute that.
[00:33:11] And I don't want to get in the weeds here with kilobits per second and all that stuff, but that's it's very easy and once you make it the record at the highest quality wave. And then when you're all done, it's all edited, you're all happy with it, then you save a copy as MP3. And once you set your your audio software, it'll just be that way every time you just set it once. And that's it. So when you export it to MP3, it's in the proper format. Boom, boom, boom. There you go and see the MP3. The reason you do it is it's way smaller file size. It's called compressed and you can make it CD quality or, like I said, really pitiful quality. It depends on if you're selling it or if it's just some training stuff where you just you don't want big files clogging up your computer and stuff. That's a little bit of an audio files. Now, before I tell you about video products, I want to just remind you about the pilot program we're doing with the folks with disabilities, you know, saying no good deed goes unpunished, right? So but I came up with this idea to help these people. I in my mind, I was thinking, OK, people with mobility, they they're in wheelchairs or they have problems with their hands or stuff like that. First, two people applied were blind, right? So. So I said, Oh my goodness, what am I going to do now? So they helped me and we got it together where they are progressing through the school, even though they are blind and we're improving our website's accessibility and which everybody needs to do that now because a lot of lawsuits are coming with that.
[00:34:56] So you need do need to pay attention with that. But this is I'm just so proud of this program. We have Go Fund Me campaign. We'd love for your help. Any little bit helps. And hey, if you're flush with cash, you can sponsor an entire person yourself and check it out at IMTCVA.org/disabilities.
[00:35:21] Ok, let's get in the video products. Well, see, video has much, much, much more complexity because you have both the sound and the picture to deal with. And it's not just twice the complexity I say, it's like ten times the complexity. Now, like I said earlier, if you're camera shy, you can use screen capture video and and make video products, I mean, my first video product had 50 screen capture videos on it, sold for a hunt. It was a CD rom sold for one hundred and ninety nine dollars and sold them like crazy. Sold sold seven thousand dollars worth the first week. So, yeah, it's very powerful when you're teaching people and they can actually see what you're doing and hear what you're doing.
[00:36:08] Now, here's the thing about video products that you're going to have. You know, it's kind of like the online course I was talking to you about earlier. But here's the thing. If you try to use shared hosting, which I've got episodes about hosting. You know, fairly cheap shared hosting and put these video files on which are very big. Ok, they're really big. And by the way, MP four is the standard now it used to be that FLV and movie, the standard now for distribution is DA MP four. And so. If you try to put these, still, they're going to be gigantic files, really gigantic. Your website is going to take forever to load. People are going to be mad. The things are going to stutter and stop. And you know, you've got to wait for them to go. Yeah, it's just nothing. Nothing is going to be good about this. So what do you do about it? You say, whoa, I just saw him on YouTube. Well, you could do that, but that's not the best practice, because YouTube always makes it easy to go back to YouTube. And we don't want them. Once we get them to our website, we want them to consume our product or promotional video, whatever it is. I mean, and not that we don't love YouTube. We love it to grab people and get them over to our site. But once they're on our site, we want to keep them there.
[00:37:35] So the best practice is where you house the video file on a service like Amazon S3. Amazon has all these other services that they have for people, and it is dirt, dirt, dirt cheap. Super cheap. So you have this Amazon S3 account if you have an Amazon account. It's just another service you can log into. So, so get an Amazon S3 account. Another place people use as Vimeo, but Amazon S3 is even cheaper is way, way cheaper. And. Then you put a video player on your website. And the video player is connected to Amazon S3. Now, the visitor that's watching the video has no idea where it's hosted or could care less, it just plays, it plays. It doesn't stutter, it's beautiful. Your website still loads as fast as it should load because you're not bogging it down with these giant files. So that's the best practice. And then, of course, you lock it behind a membership software, which I told you earlier. Now, video editing is, like I said, is 10 times more complex than audio editing. And yes, I can do some. I have Adobe Premiere on my computer, which is a pretty sophisticated program, but I can only do certain little things if it is anything important or the least bit difficult. I turn it over to mark my video got. Now, one thing about video, you say, Oh, I got to have good video. Well, guess what? The audio is more important than the video.
[00:39:27] People will put up with poor video, but they will not put up with poor audio if they cannot hear it, they're going to shut it down, they're not going to watch it now. I'm not telling you not to have good video. I'm just telling you that you've got to pay attention to your audio. The cell phone is fine for this if you're really close to it when you're talking. But as soon as you get far away, you should you should find a wireless microphone that's compatible with your phone. And iPhones have had trouble with this, so I suggest you, you look on Amazon, find one that swears it's compatible with your iPhone by it, and if it doesn't work, return it. And I have done that two or three times, I got to tell you. So you've got to have good audio now. You will have better control over your product if you shoot indoors. You don't have wind, you don't have stray dogs running around. You can control the lighting. But if you must shoot outdoors, because that's your shtick. Well, you've got to be able to deal with wind sun. You say Sun, well, Sun creates harsh shadows, which look terrible, it makes you squint, it makes you sweat, you know, so how do you do with that? Well, come to our VIP video weekend, you'll learn all of this stuff and more on the shooting, on location and in the studio and everything.
[00:40:57] We'll put a link to that in the show notes for you. So you've got all kinds of noises, and here's something I'll bet you never thought about. A lot of places you have to have permission to shoot if it's used in a. A for profit production. So, for instance, you can't just go out to Sedona, Arizona and all those beautiful red rocks and just shoot a video production. All right. If they catch you, you're going to get sued. You got to get permission and pay a fee for doing that kind of stuff. So. So keep that in mind. One trick that I'll go ahead and tell you, because we do a session on how to make a $50000 video about you and your your business is if you're in any kind of reasonably sized metropolis or city. Let's see if you have a convention and visitors bureau that's called a CVB. Because in my I have one video production that's brought in the last estimate was like $13 million. Sorry, we cost $3000 to produce. And so. One of the techniques I teach in doing that is that the Convention and visitors bureau, their whole mandate and your tax dollars go to them promoting your area to bring in conventions and business and visitors convention and Visitors Bureau. Right. So they have video footage of your whole city, all the amenities of your city. That's yours for free for the asking. I mean, many of them might charge you a little duplication fee, you know, and there's more footage than you'd ever need in a million years.
[00:42:44] So maybe you pick what you want and they have to make a copy for you. There could be a little fee for that, but we got aerial footage of Virginia Beach and shopping footage and airport foot. Is this all this stuff for free that went into my production? See, so that's a good trick for you. So we'll do more product production episodes in the future. Keep those cards and letters coming. Yeah. Email cards and letters coming. Don't send me a letter. I guess you could send me a letter. We'll do more of these. Ask me a question, things. But we'll get back to our interviews here. When I can breathe a little bit, you know, it slows down on the holidays enough that I can book some books and people in and we'll get some more interviews going. But these hopefully these are highly informative for you and help you in your business. Check out the The Go Fund Me campaign. Hey, if you'd like my help for a year with our very unique and popular mentor program. Check it out at greatinternetmarketingtraining.com. I get a kick out of doing this and helping you and hearing from you and how my trainings have have done good for you. So. So there you go. All right, that's my story. And I'm sticking to it. We'll get you on the next episode. See you later.
source http://www.expertclick.com/NewsRelease/510-Be-a-product-producing-machine-Tom-talks-Ask-Me-a-Product-Production-Question,2021263017.aspx
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