No Toy Fairs. Where?s the Schmooze?

Shmoozing is the toy industry’s lubricant. It’s what oils the gears of conversation and commerce. Sadly,I have learned this year; there is no such thing as a digital schmooze.
Many of you and I are missing our annual trade shows this year. I would
normally be just back from Hong Kong at this time of year, getting ready for
Nuremberg and planning Toy Fair. This year, thanks to Covid19, none of those
events are taking place.
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t miss the hours on an airplane, the wooziness from the time change, or the time away from home. What I do miss, however, is the schmoozing.
What is Schmoozing?
Shmoozing is a form of networking but far more. Its goal is to create friendship and intimacy by sharing stories, some personal, some business, all with an element of heart. It’s usually one-on-one and it’s frequently fun and funny.
Originally a Yiddish word, it’s now very much a part of American vernacular. The term has provided us with a host of new verb tenses: Schmooze, schmoozed, schmoozing, schmooze up, schmoozed up, and schmoozing up to name just a few. Example: “See that guy, I saw him yesterday, schmoozing up the Target buyer.”
So what I really miss this year is that, whether in Hong Kong, Nuremberg, or New York, I would normally have been running into my fellow toy people in exhibitor booths, showrooms, on the street, in bars, and over dinner in restaurants. And I would have been schmoozing, schmoozing, schmoozing.
Shmoozing is the toy industry’s lubricant. It’s what oils the gears of conversation and commerce. Sadly, I have learned this year; there is no such thing as a digital schmooze.
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