Los Angeles, CA —Within the realm of women's march to gaining equality in the workplace, there are many unsung heroes who held down the grass and cleared a path for those to follow. One of them is Vonda Pelto, Ph.D., a Clinical Psychologist who, in August 1979, entered the hall of mirrors world of serial killers at Los Angeles Men's Central Jail. One of largest and most dangerous jails in the world, housing over 5,000 inmates, her position was created after the suicide of Vernon Butts, one of the notorious Freeway Killers. She arrived a naïve girl from a small desert town and left, three years later, a wiser, hardened women whose views of humanity were changed dramatically, and not for the better. Her job was not to counsel these unrepentant reprobates, but just to chat them up and provide an emotional sounding board to keep them safe until they were convicted and sent to prison. Highly embarrassed when Butts killed himself, the LA County Sheriff's and Mental Department d...