3 Ways to Support Divorced Employees at Work
3 Ways to support divorced employees at work. Divorce is a common but often overlooked strain on your workforce. Here are 3 ways to support the divorced employees on your team. The saying that, “half of all marriages end in divorce,” still holds true, according to data from the CDC. But despite the number of divorced employees in the workforce, employers are often unaware of how badly divorce can affect productivity and employee wellness. According to data from Good Housekeeping, 67 percent of divorced people experience health and financial strain . Even more experience absenteeism and decreased productivity. Consider these three ways to support divorced employees at work and relieve employee stress during times of difficult transition. 1. Provide flex time benefits to divorced employees who are navigating court dates or new childcare schedules. Divorce also means facing the difficult emotions that come with an important relationship ending. According to the Holmes-Rahe Stre...