Book Of The Week Winner: Words That Work
Lioness Magazine just announced Words That Work as their book of the week. You can read the full interview here . My favorite question they asked me was who the book is for and why people should read it. Here’s my reply: If you’ve ever replayed a pitch, a meeting or a conversation back and wished you could have a second take at what you said, this book is for you. Too many times, it’s easy to get caught up in preparing precise presentation slides or detailed spreadsheets without spending the time to plan and practice exactly what you will say and how you will say it. Words That Work is full of quotes and scripts that tell you just what to say to get the results you’re looking for with your board, your investors, your team and your peers. It deconstructs the power of language and gives you tools you can immediately use to communicate your personal and company purpose that will deliver you profitable growth. Take a moment today: Ask yourself if you are having candid conversations w...