Kyiv | Ukraine?s Alamo
Throughout human history leaders, whether saints or despots, have willingly remained with their defenders, military and civilians, against their foes in order to face their destiny. Russians | Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory Although Volodymyr Zelensky is the former comedian now president of Ukraine, it appears as if this war is turning into a dark comedy for the Russian army whose progress to seize three critical cities has ground to a halt against a motivated and inspired Ukrainian urban defense. Like the 1968 cinematic classic The Producers, "director" Vladmir Putin thought it was going to be a sure-thing cakewalk with a politically divided west, weak US/Nato, outmanned and outgunned Ukraine whose non-Nato status legally eliminated direct US/Nato military intervention. But it seems like the joke is on Putin as the Ukrainian military and citizenry are demonstrating a level of vicious tenacity that Russian military intelligence, and perhaps the US/Nato intelli...